I just been having problems with Object Desktop Network 2007 for 2 and half weeks now and sent in 2 tickets now with no response. I can't get the dang software to even run. NOW HERE IS THE BULLSH*T! I got a damn activation error. WTF! They have not even resolved the problem of getting the $50 software to work right. I am pissed. They just started a hate war. If this does not happen soon with resolving this. I will open up a hate site for stardock and don't think I will. 2 and half weeks of this ...
I have bought Object Desktop Network about 2 weeks ago. I had it working for 3 days with no problems. The first 3 days of downloading and installing with Stardock Central. After, 3 days of great stuff it started to give me problems of not loading in to windows xp. I unstalled and reinstalled and multiple issues. I have not had a good running of Object Desktop Network since those first 3 days of buying the software. I just had Bichur help me in the windowblinds thread, that actually did not help ...